Wednesday 11 April 2012

The goodness of OATs

Oatmeal is first preferance of healthy people it is a complete food. It has complex carbs and good protein. Many consider this best  breakfast. Muscular people eat this , while people losing weight use it

Lets see why---------

It is good for weight loss ---

1. Low calorie food

It also stays in your stomach longer, making you feel full longer.  You will have less hunger and cravings. A cup is only 130 calories!

2. It is high   in fiber, low levels of fat, and high levels of protein.

It’s on the short list for the highest protein levels of any grain.

Its good for health ----

3. Stabilizes blood sugar and reduces risk of diabetes  The high fiber and complex carbohydrates slow down the conversion of this whole food to simple sugars. The high levels of magnesium nourish the body’s proper use of glucose and insulin secretion.

4. Removes your bad cholesterol (without affecting your good cholesterol). It consist of a unique fiber in oatmeal called beta-glucan, has beneficial effects on cholesterol levels

5. Gluten-free safe.

I am gluten sensitive and have no problem with oatmeal.  If you are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease there is some cause for concern. Oats lack many of the prolamines (proteins) found in wheat (gluten) but oats do contain avenin.  Avenin is a prolamine that is considered toxic to the intestinal mucosa of avenin-sensitive individuals.  Oats can also contain gluten from nearby wheat field contamination and processing facilities.  Many studies have shown that many celiacs can consume wheat free oats with no problems.

6. Contains lignans which protect against heart disease and cancer.

Oatmeal, like many whole grains, contains plant lignans, which are converted by intestinal flora into mammalian lignans.  One lignan, called enterolactone, is thought to protect against breast and other hormone-dependent cancers as well as heart disease.

7. Contains unique antioxidants beneficial for heart disease.

A study at Tufts University shows that the unique antioxidants in oatmeal called called avenanthramides, help prevent free radicals from damaging LDL cholesterol, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

8. Protects against heart failure.

A Harvard  study on 21,000 participants over 19 years showed that found that men who enjoyed a daily morning bowl of whole grain (but not refined) cereal had a 29 percent lower risk of heart failure.

Guess what grain is most easily found and prepared unrefined – oats.

9.  Enhances immune response to disease. The unique fiber in oatmeal called beta-gluten also has been shown to helps neutrophils travel to the site of an infection more quickly and  it also enhances their ability to eliminate the bacteria they find there

It is good for taste-----

10. It tastes good!

All oats whether in flakes or groats form have gone through a heat process which gives them their rich nutty flavor.  This keeps them from spoiling. They have also been hulled.  This process does not strip away all the bran and germ allowing them to retain a concentrated source of  fiber and nutrients .

This means however, that oats are not raw and will not sprout.

Nutritional value per 100 grams ( approx)

**could change from place to place
Energy 390 kcal / 1630 kJ
Carbohydrate 66 g
Dietary fiber total 11 g
   - Beta glucan 5 g
   - Insoluble 6 g
Total fat 6 g
   - Saturated 1.217 g
   - Monounsaturated 2.178 g
   - Polyunsaturated 2.535 g
   - Cholesterol 0 g
Protein 17 g
Calcium 54 mg
Iron 4.72 mg
Magnesium 177 mg
Phosphorous 523 mg
Potassium 429 mg
Sodium 2 mg
Zinc 3.97 mg
Copper 0.626 mg
Manganese 4.916 mg
Vitamin C 0 mg
Thiamin (B1) 0.763 mg
Riboflavin (B2) 0.139 mg
Niacin 0.961 mg
Pantothenic acid 1.349 mg
Vitamin B-6 0.119 mg
Total folate 56 mcg
Vitamin B-12 0 mcg
Vitamin A 0 IU
Retinol 0 mcg
Amino Acids
Tryptophan 0.234 g
Threonine 0.575 g
Isoleucine 0.694 g
Leucine 1.284 g
Lysine 0.701 g
Methionine 0.312 g
Cystine 0.408 g
Phenylalanine 0.985 g
Tyrosine 0.573 g
Valine 0.937 g
Arginine 1.192 g
Histidine 0.405 g
Alanine 0.881 g
Aspartic acid 1.448 g
Glutamic acid 3.712 g
Glycine 0.841 g
Proline 0.934 g
Serine 0.750 g

Saturday 7 April 2012

Why we need Whey Proetin

What is Protein?

We all know that a balanced diet and nutrition required by our body are incomplete if we do not take protein. Protein is an essential component which is required for many vital reasons by our body. Basically proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids. There are 22 different types of amino acid and the body needs all of them to function properly. There are many forms of protein, which all play an important role in the function of the body. For example, collagen is a protein and is vital for the strength, elasticity and composition of our hair and skin.

Protein is required by the body for the growth, maintenance and repair of all cells.

Protein is a major component of all muscles, tissues and organs and is vital for practically every process that occurs within the body such as metabolism, digestion and the transportation of nutrients and oxygen in the blood.

It is also necessary for the production of antibodies, which fight against infection and illness, and is the main nutrient that keeps our hair shiny and healthy, our nails strong, our skin fresh and glowing and our bones strong and healthy.

Although our body needs protein for our growth and many essential body functions, this requirement can be fulfilled by consuming protein rich foods during our meal. But if you are working out, your requirement of protein increases as we need to repair the muscles that got teared due to strenuous workout and excessive contraction of muscles.

What is Whey Protein?

 Whey protein powder is a fantastic source of protein; it has the highest known levels of branched chain amino acids of any natural food source.

Whey protein provides the body with a perfect amino acid profile for muscle building. Athletes and bodybuilders use whey to help increase their size, strength, speed and recovery times.

Whey is a byproduct of cheese from cow’s milk and whey protein is extracted from whey and that produces two major types – whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolates. Although whey is a form of dairy product, there is absolutely nothing to worry about because this contains very low levels of both fat and cholesterol which is a perfect supplement for a low fat diet.

Why should we have Whey Protein?

·         It strengthens the body’s natural immune defenses. Studies have showed as well that it aides in the prevention of diseases like cancer.

·         To individuals under controlled diets and weight loss program, whey protein is a good source of low level calories and does not give an upset stomach.

·         An individual under increased physical activity was said to recover better and gets a higher energy boost during extreme workouts with whey protein intake. It’s a safer energy booster and provides an excellent amount of protein for larger muscle areas.

How does protein works at different times in a day?

Upon Waking:
When waking up in the morning, your body has essentially been through a "fast" since most people sleep for approximately 6 to 8 hours a day. When the body is deprived of food for 6 to 8 hours the body starts to use stored energy sources.
In order to keep blood sugar constant and to fuel the brain and other tissues during sleep. The body does this by slowly sending nutrients out from the liver, fat cells, and muscle cells.
Because the body can use stored glycogen for energy (if you have eaten properly to maximize glycogen storage there is only minimal body cell destruction (because of the body's inability to store amino acids).
Because of this limitation the best thing you can do for your body is to consume a relatively quick digesting protein source upon waking.
A whey protein or protein hydrolysate shake would be your best bet to raise blood amino acid profiles quickly since these mixes will take only 20 minutes before almost all of what you have consumed are coursing through your veins and somewhere between 20-40 minutes for the level of amino acids in your blood to reach its high point.

This can then be followed up with normal breakfast meal consisting of a high quality low fat protein food source and some low glycemic carbohydrates.

During The Day:
Since, throughout the day, your goal should be to eat small, dense meals every few hours; the need for "special" proteins is limited. My preference is the consumption of high quality low fat protein food sources and some low glycemic carbohydrates or a good protein mix.
If you are unable to eat a good meal every two hours consuming a good whey/casein/milk protein isolate/concentrate blend can be a good compromise due to the combination of fast proteins and slow proteins.

Immediately Before Training:
If you have been eating small multiple meals throughout the day than there would be no need for "special" proteins from non food sources. However, if you have missed a meal and you plan on training within 60 minutes than a quick digesting fast protein such as a whey protein hydrolysate fortified carbs, glutamine and branched-chain amino acids.
Consuming a liquid meal containing protein and carbohydrates one-hour before training can increase insulin (an anabolic hormone, which increases the uptake of amino acids and glucose into the muscle). Branched-chain amino acids stimulate of protein synthesis.
By incorporating extra BCAA's which are consumed during the workout your complete proteins can be used for recovery. If extra Branch-chain amino acids are not consumed the body will consume them from the complete proteins making the rest of the protein incomplete and unusable for growth (wasted).
Consuming a liquid meal containing protein and carbohydrates one-hour before training can increase insulin (an anabolic hormone, which increases the uptake of amino acids and glucose into the muscle).

Immediately After Training:
Our body feeds on protein through-out the day, especially after exercise. Your post workout meals (I did say meals) are extremely important.The meal immediately following your training is probably THE most important meal of the day (don't listen to others that will tell you breakfast is).

The post work out meal is extremely important because this is the time where the body is especially receptive for nutrient uptake. Blood amino levels and blood insulin levels are typically lower. Because blood amino acids levels are lower this is an important time to consume a quick digesting fast protein such as whey protein hydro lysates to ensure that the body maintains a positive nitrogen balance and anabolic state.
The extreme hunger of the cells and the fast-acting properties of whey will make sure you use the best window for recovery to the fullest. If not, the body will hunt the stored reserves of nutrients and when on a diet for example that will cause them to rob other muscle-tissue of glutamine.
Hydrolyzed proteins have a higher Biological Value score than concentrates or other protein preparations which typically means better utilization of protein in the body.
Higher Biological Value proteins may also increase the release of IGF-1 which can stimulate muscle growth. A minimal amount of rapidly digesting, high glycemic index carbohydrates (i.e. maltodextrin and dextrose) should also be consumed with the post workout protein meal, total uptake of protein and glycogen storage can be maximized.
The incorporation of high glycemic index carbohydrates with this post training meal stimulates large and rapid increases in the anabolic hormone insulin and also stimulates glycogen synthesis.
Consuming creatine and glutamine can also aid in post work out recovery. This meal should also contain minimal fat as fat slows digestion and nutrient delivery. This meal should be consumed within 60 minutes of your weight training.

Immediately Before Bed:
Eating close to bedtime is often considered taboo by most. People believe that this promotes fat storage. My personal belief is if you desire to maintain muscle mass, eating immediately prior to retiring is essential to prevent the body from using all of its stored energy during the night.
Because you will not have another meal for at least 6 hours this meal should include a slow protein which release nutrients over several hours.
By consuming a drink containing both whey and a slow release protein like micellar casein a positive protein balance and slow steady delivery of nutrients can be obtained a milk protein, isolate whey and casein blend would be a good choice. Consuming a whole food protein meal can also suppress the rate of muscle breakdown by starting a slow release of amino acids through your system. This meal should also include carbohydrate to stimulate the release of insulin. Insulin is also the hormone that governs protein synthesis rate. By elevating the release of insulin the rate of muscle breakdown can be slowed.

Friday 6 April 2012

Exercising Myths

Myth #1 Running on a treadmill is kinder on joints.

There are three differences between treadmill running and an alfresco dash – Air resistance, varying terrain, and the fact that the treadmill assists the backward flick of your legs. Outdoor running exposes your body to a variety of challenges, specifically to the stability of muscles. The treadmill is easier but it comes at a price…A five percent lower calories burn, to shift that gut, go outside.

Myth#2 It’s only good if you are in agony

Truth – The memory of your sessions should be etched into your muscles but this should be factored into your program. If you are in agony, it’s usually because you are out of shape, or your training volume is too high and has cost muscular damage. Restart your program with minimal weight/reps and increase the volume ensuing weeks.

Myth#3 You can eat what you want when you are hurting.

Everyone knows post-exercise is the best time to eat, you will have muscle glycogen and broken down muscular protein by training, and providing carbohydrates and protein helps you to rebuild. Can you eat what you want when hurting? No. Once you have restated muscle glycogen level any surplus fat or carbohydrate will be stored as fat, regardless of how much you ache.

Myth#4 Upping your protein intake boosts growth.

Whatever you consume if you eat too much builds fat. Muscles growth is a result stress (training) and recovery (eating and rest). If there is not enough stress, there is no muscle. Adding protein to your diet boosts the amount your body turns over – It doesn’t automatically grow muscles. Supplements are designed to aid recovery from exercise but if you are not exercising you don’t need them.

Myth#5 Low weight and high rest build muscle mass

Most forms of resistance training build muscle for beginners but as your body adapts, you need to add more weight to grow. The key here your strength level underpin your muscular development – more strength equals more potential weight to lift which means more muscle growth. You’ll lose weight low/high mode of training, but for the big gains it’s got to be heavy.

Myth # 6 Strength-training will make women too muscular

“Many women are afraid that strength-training will make them bulky.  “They think strength-training is only for men.” Women naturally have less bone and muscle than men, so they need to take care of what they've got,” That's why women are at greater risk of osteoporosis than men. And lost muscle puts women at greater risk of disability as they age. And don't worry about looking like a bodybuilder. “Women don't have enough testosterone to create big, bulky muscles,”.


Wednesday 4 April 2012

Why Should I workout?

Water is vital to your health. Every system in your body depends on water. Human body is 70% of water dehydration can lead to many health problems like – Headache, Dry mouth , Excessive thirst , Little or no urination , Light headedness , Muscle weakness , Dizziness , Fatigue etc. One should drink 3- 4 ltr of water. Following are the benefits of water:

Lose weight

It is a zero calorie drink. It help in flushing out the byproducts of fat breakdown you can also use it to cheat meal by taking it right before the meal and it will suppress you appetite and cut down you calorie intake

Good Mood

Drinking water makes our body feel very good and that’s why our mood becomes happy. So start drinking water right from the morning to have a happy mood throughout the day.

Relieves Fatigue

Our body lacks water, our heart, for instance, needs to work harder to pump out the oxygenate  blood to all cells, so are the rest of the vital organs, our organs will be exhausted and so will we.

Purifying body

Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body.

Disease free

Drinking plenty of water helps to be disease free by fighting against flu, kidney stones and heart attack. It improves our immune system

It is a natural remedy for headache. It helps to relieve headache and back pain.

Better Exercise

 Drinking water regulates your body temperature. That means we’ll feel more energetic when doing exercises. Water also helps to fuel our muscle.


Drinking water helps in digestion of food as it raises our metabolism level

Reduce the Risk of Cancer
Drinking a healthy amount of water can reduce the risks of bladder cancer and colon cancer.

Healthy skin and anti-aging
We look younger when our skin is hydrated. Water helps us by replenishing skin tissues. Water moisturizes our skin and increase skin's elasticity. This is how our skin looks healthy and young

Mental health
 Drinking water help us in thinking better and we are more alert and our concentration level is high . so we work better.

Cramps and Sprains
Proper hydration helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated,  so you’ll less likely get cramps and sprains.

One should not drink water with meal and if you want to than go with hot water as cold water tends to solidify the oily stuff that you just consumed and slow down the digestion. 

Amazing qualities of water

Drinking water empty stomach is an old remedy to many problems and way to healthy lifestyle .It is essential that nothing else, neither drink nor solid food of any sort be taken  if possible you should drink boiled and warm water , cold water is also good it will detoxicate your body  in china and japan it is a old tradition method to active and healthy living drinking water empty stomach can prevent and cure many day to day health problems :-
1. Headache
2. Body ache
3. Heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat
4. Epilepsy
5. Excess fatness
6. Bronchitis asthma
7. TB
8. Kidney and urine diseases
9.  Vomiting
10. Gastritis
11. Diarrhea
12. Piles
14. Diabetes
15. Constipation
16. All eye diseases
17. Womb
18. Cancer and menstrual disorders
19. Ear, nose and throat diseases
20. Meningitis

* As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 600ml of water.

For those who are not use to drink this much water should start with less water and gradually increase their consumption

It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and stay healthy.

Saturday 31 March 2012

Bench Press

Bench Press
The Bench Press is the most popular lift in the gym. It's the upper-body exercise that lets you lift the most weight. This exercise focuses on both the chest muscles Pectoralis Major and Minor, hence can be regarded as a complete exercise for chest workout. This exercise is not recommended for females.
1.    Lie on an upright support bench or a bench inside a Power Rack.
2.    Un rack the weight & lower it to your chest. 
3.    Press it back up until your arms are straight upwards.
4.    Lower weight to sides of upper chest until slight stretch is felt in chest or shoulder.
5.    Repeat again.
Who can do it
This exercise is recommended only for males and for females there are other versions of bench press which can be executed through dumbbells.
Ideal Weight
The weight that you should lift in this exercise must be as per your efficiency. Do not try to lift very heavy weights forcefully.
Breathing technique
·         Breathe out while lifting weight against the gravity on the upper side
·         Breathe in while coming downwards with weight.

Points to remember

·         Always remember to avoid jerky movements.
·         Don’t bend your wrists. This will give you wrist pain. Put the bar in the palm of your hand. Close to your wrists, not close to your fingers. Squeeze the bar so it doesn't move.
·         Too high is bad for your shoulders. Too low is inefficient. Put your elbows between perpendicular to & parallel with your torso.
·         Don't let your shoulders roll forward. Its bad posture, bad technique & a guaranteed way to get shoulder injuries. Keep your chest up, shoulder-blades back & down and upper-back tight.
·         Make sure that your glutes are on the bench.  It puts pressure on your back, especially when the weight gets heavy. You're more stable when your glutes are on the bench.
·         Your grip should not be too wide. It will give injuries to your shoulders.  It should not be too narrow also as you’ll lose your strength.
·         Use a wide foot stance to increase stability on the bench. Feet flat on the floor, weight on the heels, lower leg perpendicular to the floor. This prevents extreme arching of your lower back.

Advantages of Bench Press

·         It helps in building chest muscles. It also works on your front shoulders and on triceps too.
·         It builds up your strength. The Bench Press is the strength training exercise that lets you lift the most weight using your upper-body muscles.

Baby Push Ups

Baby Push Ups or Bent Knee Push Ups
Baby Push Ups is a type of compound movement using almost all the muscles of your body. You'll work your chest, shoulders, triceps, back and abs. The push up may just be the perfect total body exercise that builds both upper body and core strength. This type of exercise targets the pectoral muscles, which are in the chest wall and the triceps, which are the muscles in the upper part of your arms.
·         Lie down your knees on the ground and position yourself face down on the floor, balancing on your knees and hands.
·         Your hands should be a little wider than shoulders, body in a straight line from head to toe and arms should stand perpendicular to the ground.
·         Before you begin any movement, contract your abs and tighten your core by pulling your belly button toward your spine.
·         Slowly bend your arms and lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle.
·         Begin pushing back up to the start position. Don't lock out the elbows; keep them slightly bent.

Who can do it
This exercise can be performed by both males and females. Generally it is preferred by females who do not have core strength to perform core push ups.

Breathing technique
·         Inhale as you slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself.
·         Exhale as you begin pushing back up to the start position

Points to remember
·         Always remember to avoid jerky movements.
·         Don't lock out the elbows; keep them slightly bent.
·         Do not keep your hands too wider or too close to avoid risk of injuries.
·         Stop doing your push-ups when your lower back gets tired. Don't sag in the middle as this could lead to injury.
·         Concentrate on engaging your chest muscles, squeezing them at the top of the push-up. This builds muscle much faster.
·         Be sure to keep the knees, hips and shoulders all in a straight line; most people have a tendency to bend at the hips as though you are bowing, but this is incorrect technique.

Advantages of doing a push-up

·         It is a core-strengthening exercise. It largely improves your balance by strengthening and shaping up most important muscle groups in your body - the core.
·         This exercise gives its regular performers almost perfect lean and very healthy look.

Friday 30 March 2012

Sugar is as bad for you as cigarettes: 

Although sugar does not have the same stigma attached to it as smoking, the truth is indulging on sweet treats or dessert could be as bad for you as lighting up a cigarette. According to research by a University of California team, sugar is as damaging as both alcohol and cigarettes and, according to the researchers, should therefore be regulated to control consumption

An hour’s sleep could make you happier than $60,000:  

What would it take to make you happier? A better job? A larger salary? Well, according to a US study by psychologist Daniel Kahneman and his colleagues, an increase in household income actually has little effect on your daily mood. In fact, the study suggests that getting one extra hour of sleep each night does more for your daily happiness than a $60,000

Exercise won’t make you thin:  

Although many people use exercise as their sole method of weight management, many studies have shown that exercise, when not combined with dietary changes, does very little in respect to losing weight. A study published in The British Journal of Sports Medicine found that when a group of obese people completed 12 weeks of supervised cardio workouts without dieting, most did not experience any significant weight loss results. However, it is important to remember that, while it may not lead to weight loss by itself, exercise still has plenty of other health benefits.

Chewing gum boosts your brain power:

Don’t have time for your morning coffee? Try a piece of chewing gum instead to feel more alert. Researchers at Coventry University have discovered that chewing mint-flavored gum could dramatically decrease feelings of tiredness. Meanwhile, separate research studies have suggested that chewing gum can improve test scores and improve memory by 35%.

Coffee can help ward off depression: 

We often hear about how caffeine is bad for us; however, a study from the Harvard School of Public Health has found that, for women, drinking four or more cups of caffeinated coffee a day could reduce risk of depression by 20 per cent. An earlier study of over 80,000 women also revealed that women who drink more than two cups of coffee a day are less likely to commit suicide.

Being optimistic can save your life:

We all know that thinking positively can have a great impact on your happiness, however research has also revealed that being an optimist can help you live longer. Research findings published in the European Heart Journal reveal that optimistic people are less likely to suffer from heart disease, 

Cash machines are as dirty as public toilets: 

Few of us would wash our hands after getting money out from an ATM machine; however, cleanliness tests in Britain have revealed that cash machines are just as dirty as public toilets. Experts assessed swabs from the key pads on cash machines and also from nearby public toilets and found that they both contained the same types of bacteria known to cause sickness.

Less than one per cent of bacteria cause disease: 

In day to day to day life, we are surrounded by bacteria – in fact, healthy human skin is covered in around 1000 different species of bacteria. However, contrary to popular belief, most bacteria are not harmful and, in fact, less than one per cent cause disease. Furthermore, many forms of bacteria are actually good for you, including many of those that live on your skin and in your gut.

Stretching before running may lower your endurance: 

Many of us have been taught to warm up before exercise, however recent studies suggest that stretching before a run may not be beneficial to your workout. A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that stretching before going for a run made a runner’s body less efficient so that they did not perform as well and were unable to run as far.

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